During this week’s program, Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna spoke about how the political events of this week have affected the European Union. Prof Scicluna talks about the agreement reached between the Commission and the European Parliament on stricter rules for European banks. He also explains about the rationale and the process behind this agreement and why it was important for such an agreement to be reached.
Prof Scicluna also spoke about how the outcome of the elections held in Italy was affecting the Euro Zone and how this disruption would have affected the Euro Zone
The next program L-MEP U INT will be broadcast next Thursday at 7.20pm on Smash TV
Aġġornament ta’ Avvenimenti tal-Politika Ewropea
Matul il-programm ta’ din il-ġimgħa, l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista il-Professur Edward Scicluna tkellem dwar kif l-avvenimenti politiċi ta’ din il-ġimgħa affettwaw il-politika Ewropea. Prof Scicluna tkellem dwar il-ftehim li ntlaħaq bejn il-Kummissjoni u l-Parlament Ewropew fuq regoli iktar stretti għall-banek Ewropej. Spjega il-ħsieb u l-proċess li kien hemm wara dan il-ftehim u għalfejn kien hemm bżonn li ftehim bħal dan jintlaħaq.
Prof Scicluna tkellem ukoll dwar kif ir-riżultat tal-elezzjoni fl-Italja kien ħa jħalli mpatt fuq iż-Żona Ewro u dwar kif dan it-taqlib kien ħa jħalli effett fuq iż-Żona Ewro.
Il-programm L-MEP U Int li ġej se jixxandar nhar ta’ Ħamis fis-7.20pm fuq Smash TV
– Friday, 1st March 2013.