L-MEP u INT – Prog 42 – Gwerer kummercjal

Fost l-ahbarijiet dinjin dominanti bhalissa hemm dawk dwar il-gwerer kummercjali. Is-swaba akkuzanti huma ppuntati lejn ic-Cina, li ma tridx iccaqlaq ‘il fuq il-valur tal-munita taghha. Imma jekk wiehed ihares lejn x’ghamlet l-Amerika jsib li qed isir l-istess imma b’mod iehor, mod li jwassal biex jiddghajjef id-dollaru. Sadattant id-dinja qed tistenna r-rizultat tal-laqghat tal-G20. Id-dinja trid taghmel xi haga, ma tistax tibqa’ f’kaos u ma jkunx hemm ftehim. Prof Edward Sciluna jitkellem dwar dan kollu fil-programm L-MEP U INT li xxandar fuq Smash TV nhar il-Gimgha, 12 ta’ Novembru, 2010. Il-programm L-MEP U INT jixxandar kull nhar ta’ Gimgha fis-7.20 p.m.

Currency wars

Currency wars top the world financial news. All eyes are focused on China, being reluctant to move its position on her currency value. China’s position is hitting badly world economies, not just the American economy but also emerging ones. But China is not alone to put to blame. US reacted through camouflage actions, the effect being the weakening of the dollar. Meanwhile everyone is hoping on the G20 meetings. Something has to be done. The chaos has to be stopped. An agreement has to be reached. Currency wars and their effects are the topics dealt with by Prof Edward Scicluna in L-MEP U INT, Smash TV programme aired on Friday November 12, 2010. L-MEP U INT is aired every Friday at 7.20 p.m.


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