Professor Scicluna said that all the MEPs from the 27 member states got back to work and are facing a very heavy schedule with many controversial items on the agenda, one of which is the proposal for a European Banking Union. He said that this plan is still raw and a lot of work needs to be done.
The programme L-MEP u Int is broadcast every Friday at 7.20pm on Smash TV
Kontrollur Bankarju Uniku
Il-Professur Edward Scicluna qal li l-membri parlamentari mis-27 pajjiż membru rritornaw lura għax xogħol u sabu lesta għalihom aġenda mimlija b’suġġetti kontroversjali. Waħda minn dawn hija l-proposta ta’ Unjoni Bankarja Ewropea li skont il-Prof Scicluna din hi proposta fadlilha ħafna xogħol xi jsir u fiha ħafna nuqqasijiet.
Il-programm L-MEP u Int jixxandar kull nhar ta’ Ġimgħa fis-7.20pm fuq Smash TV
– Smash TV : Friday, 7th September, 2012