Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna reacted with disappointment to the refusal of the European Commission to divulge whether it was funding the replacement of Malta’s outdated ID cards system, adding that the Maltese government was guilty of “purposely sowing seeds of needless confusion”. Following repeated questions by Labour MP Leo Brincat on the issue, the Maltese government had claimed that it was seeking EU funding to pay for a replacement scheme. Taking up the issue at EU level, Prof Scicluna questioned whether the government had applied for funding and for details about how it would be used. Replying on behalf of the Commission, Vivienne Reding said that “the Commission had no power to intervene” in what was “a national matter”. Responding, Prof Scicluna said: “I am sure most Maltese people will share my disappointment at the continued lack of clarity on this issue. The Commission’s reply casts doubt on whether the Maltese government has misled the Maltese people and their representatives with a number of red herrings. We are no closer to knowing whether it has applied for funding for new ID cards or if it is even eligible for it.” Concluding, Prof Scicluna said: “While the lack of any clarity exists, the mystery surrounding Malta’s ID cards deepens.”
- 1 – Prof Scicluna’s question and the Commission’s response can be seen at –
- 2 – For more information or for an interview with Prof Scicluna please contact 99476776.
Jikber il-misteru dwar Karta ta’ Identita gdida
Filwaqt li l-Gvern Malti jaghti l-impressjoni li qed ifittex fondi mill-Unjoni Ewropea (UE) biex jinbidlu l-Karti tal-Identita, fil-maggoranza taghhom skaduti, il-Kummissjoni Ewropea (KE) zammet lura milli tikkonferma jew tichad dan, biex issa kompla kiber il-misteru dwar jekk il-Karti tal-Identita humiex se jinbidlu jew le. Il-KE qalet li l-hrug ta’ dokumenti nazzjonali bhalma hija l-Karta tal-Identita, hija kompetenza biss ta’ kull pajjiz membru u l- KE m’ghandha l-ebda poter tintervjeni f’affarijiet bhal dawn. Il-KE qalet dan fi twegiba bil-miktub li tat ghal Mistoqsija Parlamentari tal-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna. Prof Scicluna kien staqsa jekk il-Gvern Malti kienx applika ghal fondi mill-UE biex jinbidlu l-Karta tal-Identita u talab ukoll ghal dettalji dwar kif se jintuzaw dawn il-fondi. Prof Scicluna kien tella’ l-kwistjoni f’livell ta’ KE wara li b’rizultat ta’ diversi Mistoqsijiet Parlamentari fil-Parlament Malti min-naha tad-Deputat Laburista Leo Brincat il-Gvern kien qal li kien qed jitlob fondi mill-UE biex isir dan it-tibdil. Filwaqt li wera d-dizappunt tieghu ghall-fatt lil-KE zammet lura milli taghti l-informazzjoni mitluba, Prof Scicluna qal li kollox jindika li f’dan il-kaz il-Gvern kien qieghed jew iqarraq inkella jahbi mill-poplu. “Ninsab cert li l-poplu Malti jaqsam mieghi id-dizappunt li m’hemm xejn car dwar il-kwistjoni. It-twegiba tal-Kummissjoni tixhet dubju dwar jekk il-Gvern Malta attwalment applikax ghal fondi mill-UE ghat-tibdil tal-Karti tal-Identita jew dwar kemm huwa eligibbli ghal tali ghajnuna. Jekk hu hekk, allura l-Gvern qieghed iqarraq bil-poplu jew izommu fil-ghama. B’nuqqas ta’ carezza bhal din, il-misteru dwar il-Karti tal-Identita ikompli jikber,” temm jghid Prof Scicluna.
40 responses to “Commission response deepens mystery on Maltese ID cards”
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