Prof Edward Scicluna addresses CEPS event

On March 22nd 2011, Prof Edward Scicluna spoke as a guest speaker at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) event “The Lisbon Treaty changes: theory applied” on the European Stability Mechanism established by the new treaty change. The event was held in Brussels.

During his speech, Prof Scicluna spoke about the need for all countries to be guaranteed access to the Stability Mechanism, but explained that the fund itself was only part of a wider economic package including the six legislative dossiers on the economic governance of the euro area.

Other speakers at the event included Roland Scafer, German Ambassador to the EU; Giorgio Maganza of the EU Council and Janis Emmanouildis of the European Policy Centre. Elvire Fabry of the magazine Notre Europe moderated the event.


Prof Edward Scicluna kelliem mistieden f’attivita ta’ CEPS

L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Prof Edward Scicluna nhar it-Tlieta 22 ta’ Marzu, 2011, kien fost il-kelliema mistiedna biex jindirizzaw attivita’ imtella’ mis-Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). It-tema ghal din l-attivita, li saret fi Brussels, kienet “The Lisbon Treaty changes: theory applied”. Matulha kien diskuss it-twaqqif tal-Mekkanizmu ghal Stabbilita Ewropea, li huwa rizultat  tat-tibdil fit-Trattat.

Fl-intervent tieghu Prof Scicluna tratta l-htiega li kull pajjiz ikun garantit access ghal dan il-Mekkanizmu, filwaqt li spjega li l-fond innifsu huwa biss parti minn pakkett ekonomiku usa u li jinkludi s-sitt dossiers legislattivi dwar il-governanza ekonomika taz-zona ewro.

Kelliema mistiedna ohrajn kienu Roland Safer, l-Ambaxxxatur tal-Germanja ghall-Unjoni Ewropea; Giorgio Maganza mill-Kunsill tal-Unjoni Ewropea u Janis Emmanouildis mill-European Policy Centre. L-attivita tmexxiet minn Elvire Fabry mill-magazine Notre Europe.

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