“Malta Stock Exchange essential to provide alternative sources of company financing”

Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna toured the Malta Stock Exchange and met with various officials and staff on Monday 24th June 2013. During the visit, Prof. Scicluna also met with the Malta Stock Exchange Board of Governors.

In a brief address to the Malta Stock Exchange officials and staff, Prof. Scicluna emphasised the importance of the Malta Stock Exchange in encouraging more alternative sources of company financing.
Prof. Scicluna expressed satisfaction at the degree of professionalism and capability embodied by the officials and staff assembled before him, and assured them that they would have the full support of the Finance Ministry in their work.
Prof. Scicluna also met with the Board of Directors of the Malta Stock Exchange for the first time, and wished them well in the work that lay before them.
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– Wednesday, 26th June, 2013

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