Prof Edward Scicluna MEP led the European Parliament as Chairman of the ‘Financial Framework for Manufacturing’ Roundtable organised by the European Forum for Manufacturing (EFM) in Brussels yesterday. The debate looked at the market conditions for manufacturing following the financial crisis.
The event brought together MEPs, high-level representatives from the European Commission and EU Presidency along with treasurers and directors from leading manufacturing companies and financial institutions including Rolls Royce, Bayer, HSBC and Merrill Lynch.
Giving the opening speech of the debate, Prof Scicluna focused on the financial sector legislation being adopted at EU level and the effect that this would have both on the financial sector and on finance for manufacturing.
Prof Scicluna said:
“It is important to deliver EU-wide financial legislation that is balanced and fair. We have had to take measures to deal with the financial crisis, but we must ensure that the manufacturing sector, both large corporations and particularly SMEs, is not adversely affected and is both strong and competitive.
At a time when we are seeking economic recovery we need it to be a key driver of growth in European economies over the coming years.”
1 – For more information or an interview with Prof Scicluna please contact 9947 6776
Prof. Edward Scicluna jmexxi dibattitu dwar il-futur tal-manifattura Ewropea
L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna mexxa d-delegazzjoni tal-Parlament Ewropew fil-kariga ta’ Chairman tal-‘Financial Framework for Manufacturing’ Roundtable organizzata mill-Forum Ewropew ghall-Manifattura (FEM). Il-laqgha saret fi Brussels nhar l-Erbgha li ghadda, 29 ta’ Gunju, u ddibattiet il-kundizzjonijiet tas-suq tal-manifattura b’rizultat tal-krizi finanzjarja.
F’din l-attività hadu sehem Membri Parlamentari Ewropej, flimkien ma’ rapprezentanti gholjin mill-Kummissjoni Ewropea u mill-Presidenza tal-Unjoni Ewropea flimkien ma’ Diretturi u Diretturi Finanzjarji minn kumpaniji ewlenin fl-oqsma tal-manifattura u istituzzjonijiet finanzjarji, fosthom Rolls Royce, Bayer, HSBC u Merrill Lynch.
Fid-diskors ta’ introduzzjoni tieghu ghal dan id-dibattitu l-Professur Scicluna ffoka fuq il-legislazzjoni tas-settur finanzjarju li qed tithaddem f’livell ta’ Unjoni Ewropea u l-effett li din jista’ jkollha kemm fuq is-settur finanzjarju kif ukoll fuq l-iffinanzjar tal-manifattura.
“Huwa importanti li fl-Unjoni Ewropea jkollna legislazzjoni finanzjarja li tkun bilancjata u gusta. Irridu li jkollna mizuri li bihom nilqghu ghall-krizi finanzjarja, imma rridu nassiguraw li s-settur tal-manifattura, kemm jekk huma korporazzjonijiet kbar kif ukoll jekk huma entraprizi zghar u medji, mhux biss ma jintlaqatx hazin imma jkun kompetittiv. Fi zmien meta qeghdin infittxu fejqan ekonomiku huwa mehteg li ghas-snin li gejjin din il-legislazzjoni tkun il-fattur ewlieni ghat-tkabbir tal-ekonomiji Ewropej,” qal il-Professur Scicluna.