Prof. Edward Scicluna attends the launch of new publication: ‘Principles of Maltese income tax law’

Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna attended the launch of a new publication titled ‘Principles of Maltese Income Tax Law’ during the Malta Institute of Management’s (MIM) Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 29th May, 2013.



The publication, written by Robert Attard, provides an up-to-date discussion of Maltese Income tax legislation along with the leading decisions of the Courts including substantial extracts from major judgements.

Practitioners and students reading Law, Accountancy, ACCA, ADIT and the MIT diploma can turn to Principles of Income Tax Law for an understandable discussion of two of the most dynamic and controversial chapters in the Laws of Malta. Areas of focus include international taxation, tax policy and tax controversy.

Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomed the publication as a valuable contribution to the field of tax law, a crucial field given its direct bearing to taxation and government revenue and economic growth.




– Monday, 3rd June, 2013.


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