“Government committed to encouraging newer and more environment-friendly vehicles”
The Government is committed to incentivising the phasing out of older vehicles in favour of newer and more environmentally friendly vehicles to address the issue of Malta’s aging car population and guarantee better air quality for Maltese and Gozitan citizens. Towards this end, Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna announced the launch of the third round…
Miżuri biex tinġabar b’mod “ġust” it-taxxa tal-VAT [watch]
Il-Gvern ħabbar miżuri biex jgħin lil dawk iċ-ċittadini li setgħu nqabdu fil-morsa tas-sistema tal-VAT u biex jagħmel sforz sabiex jiġbor b’mod ġust dak dovut lilu. Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna ħabbar sensiela ta’ miżuri li se jittieħdu fid-Dipartiment tal-VAT ħalli tiġi emendata l-liġi. Fost dawn semma tnaqqis fir-rati tal-imgħax minn 9% għal bejn 6 u 6.5%,…
“The outlook for the economy is promising”
The Government welcomes the economic results achieved during the first three months of this year, whereby the Maltese economy registered an increase of 1.6% in real terms compared to the corresponding quarter last year. The Finance Ministry is confident that the Maltese economy can keep on growing once its present momentum, which stems from the…
Prof. Edward Scicluna attends the launch of new publication: ‘Principles of Maltese income tax law’
Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna attended the launch of a new publication titled ‘Principles of Maltese Income Tax Law’ during the Malta Institute of Management’s (MIM) Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 29th May, 2013. The publication, written by Robert Attard, provides an up-to-date discussion of Maltese Income tax legislation along with the leading decisions…
“Committed to Safeguarding Competitiveness of Financial Sector”
The Hon. Edward Scicluna, Minister for Finance, said the new Government remains committed to protecting the competitiveness of the Maltese financial sector and work towards further developing the sector in terms of quality. Prof. Scicluna was speaking during a seminar on the Financial Services Industry held on Thursday 30 May, 2013, organised by the Malta…
Tax havens or tax heavens – Videoblog 3
Jurisdictions with very loose financial regulation, guaranteeing complete bank secrecy, levying no tax and turning a blind eye to money laundering. Do these jurisdictions still exist today? If they exist the OECD would have long blacklisted them with dire consequences. So what is the current debate about? It is about the grey area of tax…
“Tonio Fenech’s claims aimed at undermining national interest and harming ongoing negotiations with EU”
The Finance Ministry notes with disappointment the recent irresponsible statements made by the former finance minister and Nationalist MP Tonio Fenech about Malta’s public finances and their implication for the Excessive Deficit Procedure, at a time when this issue is being negotiated with the European Commission. Tonio Fenech’s irresponsible claims can only weaken the country’s…
“Government committed to letting Business do Business”
“Malta’s pro-business climate has traditionally been positioned to strengthen Malta’s attractiveness as an open market economy, and this new Government is wholly dedicated to upholding that mission,” said Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna. Prof. Scicluna was speaking during a retreat for high-achieving local and foreign entrepreneurs, managers, and board members who form part of the…
“Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive”
Finance Minister Prof. Edward Scicluna said that the forthcoming Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive, which will take effect as from mid-July 2013 will present the financial services sector with many challenges but also opens up a number of opportunities to increase Malta’s competitiveness especially outside the EU. Prof. Scicluna was delivering the opening…