The Art of Persuasion – L-MEP u Int – Prog 139
Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna speaks about the importance of the art of persuasion in the daily work of the MEP in the European Parliament. In this MEP u INT programme 139 Prof Scicluna said the deputy prime Minister Dr Tonio Borg in the past weeks had to use his persuasion to try and win…
L-Arti tal-persważjoni fil-Parlament Ewropew
Matul dawn il-jiem għajnejn il-poplu Malti kienu ffokati fuq il-Parlament Ewropew minħabba l-iskrutinju tal-Viċi Prim Ministru u Ministru tal-Affarijiet Barranin Dr Tonio Borg bħala parti mill-proċess tal-ħatra tiegħu bħala Kummissarju għas-Saħħa u l-Ħarsien tal-Konsumatur. Issemmiet ħafna l-influwenza li l-Ewroparlamentari Maltin jistgħu jeżerċitaw fuq sħabhom il-Parlamentarji biex jikkonvinċu u jipperswadu. Imma kemm hu faċli jew diffiċli…
Read the Interview >> FIRST Magazine – The First Interview – Talk & Opinion – Sunday, 11th November, 2012
St. Joseph Musical Society – Kirkop
Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna on Sunday 11th November was invited by the Committee of the St Joseph Musical Society of Kirkop for the symbolic opening of the Society’s second warehouse. Professor Scicluna conveyed his wishes to the Committee and the members of the Society for more…
The Budget – L-MEP u Int – Prog 138
Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna explains why the Budget is so important that the government would be forced to resign if it fails to get a majority of votes for its approval in the parliament. The program L-MEP U INT (The MEP and You) is broadcast every Friday at 7.20pm on Smash TV with a…
Il-baġit huwa wieħed mill-appuntamenti l-aktar importanti fil-kalendarju politiku ta’ kull pajjiż. F’Malta wkoll qegħdin nistennew dan l-appuntament għall-aħħar ġimgħa ta’ dan ix-xahar. Il-Baġit tant huwa importanti li saħansitra jista’ jkun il-kawża li jwaqqa’ l-Gvern tal-pajjiż. Min fejn hi ġejja l-importanza tiegħu? Strument importanti F’kull pajjiż demokratiku, iċ-ċittadin għandu żewġ strumenti, li jifformaw parti minn speċi…
Bowling with the MEPs [VIDEO]
Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna on Friday 9th November took time out from his very busy schedule and joined around sixty school children and their grandparents in a bowling game. This activity was organised by the European Parliament Valletta Office to celebrate the European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations 2012. Prof Scicluna…
Euro-parliamentarians have highest profile in Malta
“Maltese trust MEPs most to explain European policies, and 57% say they trust EU” The Maltese are the most likely member state in the European Union to consider Members of the European Parliament the best placed to explain the impact of European policies on their everyday life, a survey conducted in the EU’s 172…
Social Evening at San Antonio Hotel Buġibba
Labour MEP and candidate for the 5th and 8th district Professor Edward Scicluna was the guest of honour at a social evening/buffet dinner which was held last Saturday 3rd November at the San Antonio Hotel in Bugibba. Professor Scicluna was given a tremendous welcome by the large audience that attended the event. Prof Scicluna thanked all…
The politics of stooping to conquer
“If until then, Scicluna hadn’t caught my attention, he certainly did on that occasion.” – Michela Spiteri I was in Brussels last December, around the time Edward Scicluna was being persecuted by that insufferable anti-abortion NGO, Gift of Life, who have that very rare ability to make me think, say and do things I wouldn’t…