‘Fis-Sustanza’ on ONE
Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna on Monday 1st October was the first guest on the new current affairs TV programme ‘Fis-Sustanza’ on ONE. He faced a hard hitting interview by the presenters Robert Musumeci and Simone Cini. Professor Scicluna answered questions on the issue of the minimum wage and the living wage, stipends, the…
Il-Paga Minima Nazzjonali u l-COLA
F’dawn l-aħħar jiem is-suġġett tal-paga minima nazzjonali (il-Minimum Wage) ġie magħżul bħala l-ballun politiku tal-ġimgħa mill-Parit tal-Gvern. Il-miżinformazzjoni li ħarġet, t-tagħwiġ tal-kliem u l-gideb sfaċċat laħaq quċċata li qatt ma konna rajna bħalha. Għal xi wħud li tigdeb f’kampanja elettorali ma huwiex dnub, għax li tirbaħ hija kawża ġusta u allura kollox huwa leċitu. Naħseb…
The Minimum Wage and the Living Wage – L-MEP u Int – Prog 132
‘The Minimum Wage and the Living Wage are both important concepts in public policy that ensures economic growth for everyone’. This was discussed by Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna on the programme L-MEP u INT during which he discussed the difference between the minimum wage and the concept of living wage. The program L-MEP…
PES Congress – Brussels
MEP Prof Edward Scicluna formed part of a PL delegation let by Dr Joseph Muscat to attend the the 9th PES Congress held in Brussels between the 28th and 29th September 2012. Prof Scicluna took part in a special economic experts meeting from leading EU countries under the Chairmanship of Hannes Swoboda, currently President of…
MEPs tackle EU’s top killer in CVD awareness raising campaign
“EU citizens must be aware of the risk of CVD’s. On their side, policymakers must make a difference by adopting heart healthy legislation and making sure that CVD are given the appropriate attention on the policy agenda,” says Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna. Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna is one of a group of MEPs…
Prof. Scicluna reaffirms PL’s support to the setting up of a Maltese cooperative bank
Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna today reaffirmed the Labour’s party pledge to support the setting up of a cooperative bank in Malta. He said that the Labour Party supports the idea of setting up a cooperative bank and that it is foursquare behind the movement’s ideals and principles since it is convinced that the active…
FEMA visit the European Parliament in Brussels
Professors, Lecturers and officials from the Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy (FEMA) from the University of Malta had the opportunity to visit the European Parliament in Brussels on the 26th of September. They met with Prof Edward Scicluna MEP and Dr Simon Busuttil MEP with whom they engaged in a highly interesting debate.…
Know your candidate – Prof Edward Scicluna MEP
Ħila – Esperjenza – Kredibilita’ Prof Edward Scicluna MEP is interviewed for Team PL. He talks about his work as an MEP, and his vision for Malta’s future, Edward is contesting the upcoming general elections on the 5th and the 8th districts. L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista il-Professur Edward Scicluna huwa intervistat għat- Team PL bħala…
Labour Party Congress – ‘A Future that Unites Us’
Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna attended the workshops and followed attentively the discussions during the first Labour Party Congress held thoughout the week. Guest speakers discussed subjects such as the economy, education, energy, health, the environment and civil society. The Congress came to an end with a successful fundraising event towards the electoral campaign on Sunday 23rd September. Professor…
Prof Scicluna on One Radio – “Ma’ Pauline”
Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna was a guest on the discussion programme “Ma’ Pauline” on One Radio on Wednesday 19th September 2012. He was interviewed by Pauline Miceli about the European Banking Union proposal, the recession and the country’s economic situation. Professor Scicluna was also asked about the nomination he received for the prestigious…