Prof. Scicluna on ONE ‘Issues’
Prof. Edward Scicluna was a guest speaker on Manuel Micallef’s discussion programme on ONE ‘Issues’ on 29 August 2012. The topic was ‘Economic challenges and the Cost of Living’. Other guests were Notary Charles Mangion, Gejtu Vella, u Leonid Mckay.
Stagflation is not a Virus
According to Eurostat, at 4.2 per cent, Malta has reached the highest inflation rate in the eurozone and the second highest in the whole European Union. In fact, it is almost double the average in both cases. In economics, inflation can be considered as a Hydra, a multi-headed beast which once it inserts itself is…
The future beckons – L-MEP u Int – Prog 128
Each period has its own circumstances which are particular and identifiable but they change with time’. Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna made this claim during the MEP u INT programme aired last Friday 31st August on Smash TV , during which he spoke of how the past could be a link to the present and…
Life must go on
Wara mewta ta’ xi ħadd mill-qrib, wara n-niket u t-tifkiriet li ġġib magħha, jkun wieħed mill-familja li normalment jqajjem lil dawk kollha li jkunu mitlufa fil-ħsibijiet u nostalġiji u jgħidilhom li issa hu dmir ta’ kulhadd li jistenbaħ u jibda jħares ’l quddiem, lejn il-futur, għaliex bħal ma ngħidu bl-Ingliż life must go on. Il-messaġġ…
Labour MEPs up for Parliament awards
Labour MEPs Edward Scicluna and Louis Grech have been short-listed in two categories of the prestigious ‘MEP of the Year Awards 2012’ organised by the Parliament magazine. Prof. Scicluna is among three candidates nominated for the ‘Economic and Monetary Affairs’ category and Louis Grech, for the ‘Internal Market and Consumer Protection’ category. Each short-list is based on a large number of…
A dignified farewell to Dom Mintoff [VIDEO]
Former Labour Prime Minister Dom Mintoff was given a dignified farewell by the Maltese nation in a state funeral deserving of a great statesman. Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna attended the funeral Mass at St John’s Co-Cathedral and took part in the funeral cortège. He also paid his last respects to Dom Mintoff as he was lying…
Feast of the Conversion of St Paul – Safi
Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna, on Sunday 26th August attended the feast of the Conversion of St Paul at Safi. He attended the religious procession and visited the lovely parish church of this quant village. He appreciated the dedication and hard work of the clergy and the volunteers who help keep the parish church of this picturesque village in such a lovely condition. Festa Konverżjoni ta’ San Pawl – Ħal…
Dom Mintoff : Architect-Economist-Strategist – L-MEP u Int – Prog 127
‘For Dom Mintoff the economy was a very important tool’. Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna made this claim during this week’s programme MEP u INT which is totally dedicated to the former Labour Prime Minister Dom Mintoff who passed away at the age of 96 years on the 20th of August. Professor Scicluna speaks…
L-ekonomija skont Dom Mintoff
KULL mexxej kbir ta’ pajjiż li qaleb ta’ taħt fuq is-soċjetà ta’ pajjiżu, u li ħalla ismu mnaqqax fl-istorja, ma setgħax ma kellux kredu ekonomiku jew stil ta’ tmexxija għalih. Tajjeb jew ħażin il-Prim Ministru Thatcher, il-President Reagan u llum il-Kanċillier Merkel huma assoċjati ma’ ‘policies’ ekonomiċi partikolari li kkonvertew numru ta’ ekonomisti għal warajhom.…
Recall Mintoffianomics
Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher are remembered for their own brand of economics, Thatcherism and Reaganomics. But what about Dom Mintoff’s own particular economic creed and style which too had indelibly left their mark on his government’s administration? Although not an economist by profession, and never taking over the Ministry of Finance, nobody doubted that…