The MEP’s Diary: Lies, damn lies and statistics
What do our Members of European Parliament (MEPs) go through during their weekly ordeal in Brussels and Strasbourg? di-ve.com’s “The MEP’s dairy” features one MEP’s agenda every Monday. Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna (Socialists and Democrats) goes through his diary entry for last week. The last couple of weeks have been dominated by the final…
Nuqqas ta’ Trasparenza
Il-ġimgħa tal-Parlament fi Strasburgu tkun twila u impenjattiva ħafna, u dejjem mimlija bi ġrajjiet importanti. Il-ġimgħa li għaddiet kellna magħna l-Kummissarju Olli Rehn li deher sew fil-Kumitat tagħna u anke fil-Plenarja biex iwieġeb għall-mistoqsijiet u jipparteċipa fid-diskussjoni. Id-diskussjoni fil-Kumitat tal-Ekonomija u Affarijiet Monetarji (ECON) kienet fuq ir-rikmandazzjonijiet li l-Kummissjoni bagħtet lis-27 pajjiż inkluż Malta…
Recession – L-MEP u Int Prog 120
Dan l-aħħar tħabbar li Malta daħlet f’riċessjoni. Xi jfisser li pajjiż ikun f’riċessjoni u xi jrid jagħmel biex joħroġ minnha? Dawn huma l-mistoqsijiet li għamilna fil-programm ta’ din il-ġimgħa lil Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna. It was announced recently that Malta is now in recession. What does it mean for a country to be…
L-MPEs fuq TVM
Ilu jkun innotat kif it-trattament mill-aħbarijiet tal-PBS tal-ħidma tal-Membri Parlamentari Ewropej Maltin, erba’ Laburisti u żewġ Nazzjonalisti, huwa nieqes minn kull sens ta’ ġustizzja. Stqarrijiet li joħorġu mill-MPEs Nazzjonalisti mill-ewwel isibu posthom fl-aħbarijiet ta’ TVM, hekk ukoll xi tagħrif ieħor dwarhom li jinkiseb. Mhux hekk, iżda, fejn jidħlu l-MPEs Laburisti, tant li kien hemm stqarrijiet…
Commissioner Almunia tells Scicluna government inaction is delaying Air Malta rescue [VIDEO]
– video – – press release – EU Competition chief Joaquin Almunia has accused the Maltese government for failing to provide the information needed to agree to its €130 million state aid rescue plan. Speaking on Tuesday evening at a hearing of the ECON committee (Tuesday 19th June) in response to questions from…
Is-Semestru Ekonomiku
Il-qtugħ fl-infieq ta’ €40 miljun fil-bidu ta’ din is-sena ħasdet lill-poplu Malti mhux biss għall-mod bla ħsieb kif sar dan il-qtugħ imma l-iktar għas-sempliċi raġuni li l-Gvern sa issa qed jaħbi l-proċess sħiħ ta’ kif l-Unjoni Ewropea qed tiskrutinja u tirregola l-Baġit tagħna qabel ma jitħabbar f’għeluq is-sena. Fl-aħħar ta’ dan ix-xahar il-Kunsill tal-Ministri se…
Transparency – L-MEP u Int – Prog 119
Commissioner Olli Rehn fully agreed with Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna’s emphasis on the need for full transparency on the recommendations that the Council will be approving soon for the citizens of the European Union. Prof. Scicluna speaks about this at length and about the Plenary Session held in Strasbourg, as well as…
Unveiling of Statue of Our Lady of the Lilies, Mqabba
Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna attended the unveiling of the Statue of Our Lady of the Lilies at Mqabba on Saturday 9 June 2012. This event, held during a Musico-Literary Soiree’ with the participation of Madonna tal-Ġilju band, was part of the activities related to the local Feast organised by the Our Lady of the Lilies…
Laqgha ta’ Diskussjoni – EJJA U STAQSI – Il-Ġimgħa, 8 ta’ Ġunju – Cottage Gardens, Żurrieq
“If the government was bringing itself to believe that there are no problems, now the figures are giving a clear picture what the situation really is”, Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna stated while addressing another Public Meeting ‘Ejja u Staqsi’ in Żurrieq on the 9th June. He spoke mainly on the effects of the recession…
Prof. Scicluna in half an hour interview with Robert Musumeci
Labour MEP Prof. Scicluna discusses issues related to finance, economics, education, health, youth employment, accountability and sustainability, among other issues, during the programme ‘Talk’ on Smash TV presented by Perit Robert Musumeci on Wednesday 6 June 2012. Prof. Scicluna insists that, above all, the country needs to have good governance, sustainable structures and to be…