Sfida kbira għall-UE
Waħda mill-akbar sfidi li għandha quddiemha l-Unjoni Ewropea (UE) hija li jkollha politika ta’ governanza ekonomika addattata u maħsuba biex ikunu evitati kriżijiet bħal dawk li rajna jolqtu lill-Greċja, l-Irlanda u l-Portugall. Fost l-oħrajn, għandhom jiġu indirizzati l-iżbilanċi li hemm bejn il-pajjiżi membri taż-Żona Ewro, iżda jekk din il-politika ma tkunx flessibbli ma’ pajjiżi li…
Lessons from the Greek crisis
I have just formed part of a Socialist group delegation to Athens to see the scale of the social and financial crisis in Greece. With the financial markets predicting a possible Greek default even though the government has reluctantly agreed to an IMF advised €50 billion sale of government assets to the private sector, questions…
Il-laqgħa li saret bħal-lum ġimgħa fil-Lussemburgu bejn il-Ministri tal-Intern tal-pajjiżi membri tal-Unjoni Ewropea serviet żgur biex uriet kemm hu diffiċli t-twettiq fil-konkret tal-prinċipju tas-solidarjetà meta dan ikun mitlub li jsir hekk minn pajjiż membru żgħir jew minoranza żgħira tal-pajjiżi membri tal-Unjoni Ewropea, speċjalment meta ma jkollhiex xi parrinu kbir jaqbeż għaliha. Dan il-fatt jidher bħala…
L-MEP u Int – Prog 64 – Irregular migration in the Mediterranean
The thousands of people fleeing Libya because of the ongoing war are causing big problems for various Mediterranean countries. Malta was not spared. More than a thousand reached our shores in just a few days. European Union’s help was sought. So far the result was disappointing. Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna discussed all this during…
L-MEP u Int – Prog 63 – Illegal immigration, ESM and Malta
Malta features prominently in the recent EU’s developments on illegal immigration, mainly from Libya; and the workings of the European Stability Mechanism. Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna reviewed these two important issues during Smash TV discussion programme L-MEP U INT on Friday, April 8. L-MEP U INT is aired every Friday at 7.20 p.m. with…
Minkejja ċ-ċokon tagħna
Meta nirreferi għall-pożizzjoni tagħna bħala delegazzjoni Maltija fil-Parlament Ewropew spiss nipparagunaha bħala waħda ta’ nemusa ma’ ljunfant. Il-fatt li aħna numru żgħir ta’ Membri Parlamentari Ewropej, ħamsa, jillimitana drastikament, pereżempju, f’kemm kumitati nistgħu nservu. Madankollu dan l-iżvantaġġ nistgħu b’xi mod inpattu għalih jekk inkunu kapaċi nieħdu karigi kruċjali jew inkunu attivi f’dawn il-kumitati. Meta membru…
L-MEP u Int – Prog 62 – In solidarity with Greece
Normally meetings earmarked for discussions within the Political Groups of the European Parliament are held in Brussels. The Socialists and Democrats Group (S&D) decided to have their last discussion session, last week in March, in Athens, Greece. This as a sign of solidarity with the Greek Socialist Government at a time when Greece is facing…
Public Discussion Osborne Hotel, Valletta
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Scicluna welcomes government change of heart on treaty guarantee
Edward Scicluna today welcomed the statement made by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi to Parliament on the European Stability Mechanism (ESM). Dr Gonzi confirmed the agreement negotiated by Prof Scicluna as one of Parliament’s Rapporteurs on the ESM which ensures that Malta will have the same rights as all other eurozone members with regard to the…
Prof Edward Scicluna addresses CEPS event
On March 22nd 2011, Prof Edward Scicluna spoke as a guest speaker at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) event “The Lisbon Treaty changes: theory applied” on the European Stability Mechanism established by the new treaty change. The event was held in Brussels. During his speech, Prof Scicluna spoke about the need for all…