Finance Minister at Inaugural Meeting of the AIIB in Beijing
Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna, is in Beijing for the inaugural meeting of the Board of Governors of the newly-formed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a China-led multilateral development bank in which Malta is a founder member along with 56 other countries. These include a number of other EU member states including the UK, France,…
EU Member States’ competences in the area of taxation must be safeguarded
Malta’s continued belief that the European Union Member States’ competences in the area of taxation should be safeguarded by maintaining consensus-based decision-making processes within the EU was on top of the agenda during a bilateral meeting between Finance Minister, Prof. Edward Scicluna and European Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs, Pierre Moscovici.…
L-istampa kollha
Fil-messaġġ tiegħu ta’ tmiem is-sena, il-Papa Franġisku tkaża xi ftit bil-midja, fis-sens illi l-aħbarijiet fil-ġurnali, fuq ir-radju, fuq it-televiżjoni, fuq l-internet u x’naf jien ikunu kważi dejjem negattivi. Jgħidulna dwar qtil, diżastri, bombi, gwerer, terroriżmu, kriminalità… iżda l-affarijiet sbieħ, li wkoll jiġru spiss fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum tan-nies, tal-pajjiżi u tad-dinja, spiss jiġu mwarrbin. Il-Papa appella…
Lowest Third Quarter General Government Deficit on Record
The third quarter of 2015 has recorded the lowest third quarter deficit since data on the General Government Deficit started being compiled, the latest figures on the Quarterly Accounts for General Government published by the National Statistics Office (NSO) today show. The General Government deficit for July-September 2015 stood at €6.5 million, down from the…
The news: who will you believe? – Vlog 114
At times we are faced with different pieces of news that might seem contradictory. In such circumstances, we are tempted to start doubting whether different media are living on the same planet. The finance and economy field is no exception. Who do you believe? One news does not necessarily exclude the other. Unfortunately, it frequently…
Trade figures point towards a further narrowing of deficit
Latest international trade figures published by NSO show that during the period January to November of last year, Malta continued to register positive results in the external sector with a further narrowing of the trade deficit, as exports net of fuels re-exports increased by €16.1 million. The positive performance in the export sector was…
Finance Ministry welcomes Standard and Poor’s positive outlook for Malta
The Ministry for Finance welcomes the latest rating by the international credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s. In its assessment, Standard and Poor’s reaffirmed Malta’s rating at BBB+ / A-2 with a positive outlook. This is based on Malta’s favourable economic growth prospects and the gradual budgetary consolidation which should place the debt-to-GDP ratio on…
Kienet Sena Tajba
Huwa normali li f’dan iż-żmien wieħed iħares lura lejn xi jkun sar u seħħ fit-tnax-il xahar ta’ qabel. Ma jistax jonqos li, fil-Ministeru tal-Finanzi, nitfgħu l-lenti tagħna fuq l-andament ekonomiku u finanzjarju ta’ pajjiżna. Ma nistax ma nkunx sodisfatt bit-tkabbir ekonomiku li kkaratterizza lil pajjiżna matul is-sena, li qed jissarraf fi tkabbir tad-dħul kemm għall-pajjiż…
Fil-Qosor – ONE RADIO
Ma’ Desmond Zammit-Marmarà fuq ONE Radio 92.7 waqt il-programm ‘Fil-Qosor’. Tkellimna dwar dak li ksibna matul l-2015 u x’nistennew mill-2016 fil-qasam tal-Finanzi u l-ekonomija ta’ pajjiżna. – 7th January, 2016
Aktar tnaqqis fit-Taxxi fl-2016
Għat-tielet sena konsekuttiva l-ewwel ta’ Jannar se jfisser ukoll inqas ħlas f’taxxa ta’ dħul għal bosta familji. Kmieni f’din il-leġiżlatura, il-Gvern it-taxxa tad-dħul fir-rata ta’ 35% naqset għal waħda ta’ 25% fuq dħul ta’ inqas minn €60,000 fis-sena. Kienu madwar 40,000 il-persuni li ggwadanjaw minn din il-miżura. Dan għen sabiex tiġi ppremjata l-bżulija…