Finance Minister addresses European Audit Inspection Group plenary meeting
Finance Minister, Edward Scicluna addressed the first plenary meeting of the European Audit Inspection Group (EAIG) to be held in Malta. The two-day conference, which brought together 57 delegates from all European Union and European Free Trade Association Member States, was held at the Palace Hotel, Sliema, this week. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The primary purpose of the…
Finance Ministry’s comments on Deutsche Bank’s restructuring decisions affecting their worldwide operations
The Ministry for Finance notes the announcement made today that, as part of its major restructuring process, Deutsche Bank will be closing operations in ten countries worldwide, four of which are in Europe: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Malta. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE “It is of course disappointing to note that in…
Tiftaħ Dar l-iStudent ġewwa l-MCAST
Iktar kmieni llum ġiet imnedija uffiċjalment Dar l-iStudent ġewwa l-MCAST fejn proġett ta’ 4200 sqm fetaħ il-bieb tiegħu għall-ewwel darba. STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-EDUKAZZJONI U X-XOGĦOL, MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI U MIS-SEGRETARJAT PARLAMENTARI GĦALL-PRESIDENZA UE 2017 U GĦALL-FONDI EWROPEJ Għall-ftuħ ta’ dan il-proġett, ko-finanzjat minn fondi Ewropej b’valur totali ta’ 19–il miljun ewro, attendew għalih il-Ministri Evarist…
Rilokazzjoni tad-Dipartiment tal-Politika Ekonomika bħala parti minn proċess ta’ ristrutturazzjoni
Il-Ministru għall-Finanzi, Edward Scicluna, ta merħba lill-impjegati tad-Dipartiment tal-Politika Ekonomika (Economic Policy Division – EPD) li ġew rilokati għal uffiċċji ġodda fil-binja prinċipali tal-Ministeru għall-Finanzi, il-Belt. Dan sar bħala parti minn proċess ta’ ristrutturazzjoni li għaddej bħalissa bil-għan li jkompli jiġi integrat il-kontribut tad-Dipartiment, filwaqt li jissaħħaħ il-proċess tat-tħejjija tal-Baġit. STQARRIJA MILL-MINISTERU GĦALL-FINANZI Il-Prof.…
Aktar edukazzjoni u protezzjoni għall-investituri ż-żgħar
Il-Gvern huwa impenjat li jinkoraġġixxi lin-nies biex jinvestu flushom b’modi li jirrendulhom aktar mingħajr ma jidħlu f’riskji żejda. Jemmen ukoll li aktar kumpaniji Maltin għandhom jiġu kkwotati fil-Borża ta’ Malta. Għal dan il-għan, hemm bżonn li f’dan il-qasam ikun hemm aktar edukazzjoni u protezzjoni. Dan qalu l-Ministru għall-Finanzi Edward Scicluna waqt id-diskors tal-ftuħ ta’ konferenza…
Malta: the ideal base for international companies to operate from
Malta has reached the required standards that allow international companies in any sector, but particularly in the financial services sector, to be based here and be serviced by highly-qualified and highly-experienced professionals, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna, said today. He was addressing an event held to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Alter Domus, a European…
Malta with third largest fall in the debt to GDP ratio
In its release regarding debt figures for the Euro Area, Eurostat has declared Malta to be the Member State with the third largest fall in its debt to GDP ratio at the end of the second quarter of 2015. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE These figures corraborate the data released by NSO earlier this week regarding the fall in the absolute value of Malta’s national debt. …
Importanti daqs l-elezzjonijiet
Dan l-aħħar fil-Parlament xi ħadd ried ikun jaf liema hu l-“veru” dokument tal-Baġit. Tista’ tgħid li kulħadd jassoċja l-Baġit mad-diskors li jinqara mill-Ministru tal-Finanzi fil-Parlament darba fis-sena. Però, ftit jafu liema huma d-dokumenti l-oħra li jakkumanjawh. Il-Baġit huwa avveniment importanti ħafna. Tant hu hekk li l-Gvern jaqa’ jekk ma jiksibx l-approvazzjoni tal-Parlament għalih.…
Excessive bank regulation weighs on growth – Malta Finance Minister
Europe has overtightened banking regulation, stunting economic growth, and will not have a meaningful recovery until it gets real about reform and infrastructure, Malta’s finance minister, Edward Scicluna, said on Wednesday. Europe needs investments, new infrastructure, must cut youth unemployment, enact meticulous structural reforms and avoid the sort of shocks like the years of austerity,…
Consistent progress for Malta’s public finances
Two NSO releases confirm the consistent progress being made with regards to Malta’s public finances. The first release confirms that the Government achieved its deficit target for 2014, 2.1%, and also that national debt fell to 68.3% of GDP, from 69.6% a year earlier. PRESS RELEASE ISSUED BY THE MINISTRY FOR FINANCE The…