Finance Minister requests investigation into Mater Dei processes
Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna has requested the Auditor General to carry out an investigation into the processes of the Mater Dei Hospital project in the light of the findings of the report of the Mater Dei Inquiry Board, headed by Justice Emeritus Philip Sciberras, into the structural defects present at the hospital building. PRESS…
Vistra Group’s 5th Anniversary Celebration
Minister for Finance, Prof. Edward Scicluna, said that the Government’s role is to ensure political stability, exercise fiscal prudence, and reduce bureaucracy as much as it can, thus allowing businesses to grow, thrive and create employment. Speaking during Vistra Group’s 5th anniversary celebration at The Saluting Battery in Valletta, the Minister commended the…
Reduced Tax on Rent
The Government has launched a new withholding tax on rent, whereby the rate of tax on income from rented properties would be reduced from a maximum of 35% to 15%, tax evasion will be discouraged, and government revenue will increase. The 15% tax rate would be applicable to rented properties for residential purposes,…
It-tkabbir ekonomiku qawwi mistenni jissokta fl-2015
Il-momentum qawwi li rajna fl-ekonomija Maltija matul l-2013 u l-2014 mistenni jibqa’ għaddej din is-sena. Ċifri ppubblikati mill-Uffiċċju Nazzjonali tal-Istatistika juru li l-ekonomija Maltija kibret b’4 fil-mija f’termini reali fl-ewwel kwart tal-2015 filwaqt li, f’termini nominali, espandiet b’6 fil-mija. Din ir-rata ta’ tkabbir ekonomiku hija saħansitra aktar notevoli meta mqabbla mat-tkabbir medju ta’ 1 fil-mija…
International insurance and financial services group interested in investing further in Malta
Finance Minister Edward Scicluna, on Thursday discussed opportunities for new investment and growth in Malta with Ms Alison Hill, Chief Executive Officer of Argus, an international group offering a range of insurance and financial services products in a number of markets, including Malta. The meeting took place during a visit to Argus’ local Head Office in…
Encouraging growth in exports
International Trade figures issued today by the NSO show that local exports net of fuels and lubricants increased by €28 million in the first four months of this year. This positive export performance was underpinned by increases in the exports of foods, mechanical appliances, machinery and transport equipment, and miscellaneous manufactured articles. PRESS RELEASE BY…
Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi jindirizza rappreżentanti tal-Kumitati dwar il-Kontijiet Pubbliċi tal-Commonwealth
Il-Ministru tal-Finanzi Edward Scicluna tkellem dwar l-isfidi li jħabbtu wiċċhom magħhom il-pajjiżi żgħar li qed jiżviluppaw huma u jistinkaw biex jibqgħu kompetittivi globalment filwaqt li jiżguraw li jibqgħu konformi mal-istandards dinjin ġodda fir-rigward tat-tassazzjoni. Il-Ministru kien qed jindirizza l-aħħar seduta tal-5th Westminster Workshop, li saret fis-sala plenarja tal-Parlament il-Ħamis. Il-workshop laqqa’ flimkien 30 parteċipant fosthom…
L-Iżvilupp tas-Sistema kif jinżammu l-Kotba tal-Gvern huwa Prijorità
L-iżviluppar tas-sistema ta’ kif jinżammu l-kotba ta’ xi jdaħħal u x’jonfoq il-Gvern huwa prijorità reali għal din l-amministrazzjoni, qal il-Ministru tal-Finanzi, il-Prof. Edward Scicluna, il-Ħamis filgħodu. Huwa rrimarka kif il-ħtieġa li jkollna kontabilità pubblika xierqa ilha fuq l-aġenda nazzjonali għal bosta snin. Qabel, madankollu, il-progress kien ftit jew wisq limitat. Għall-kuntrarju, bħalissa x-xejra hi li…
Minister Scicluna in a courtesy meeting with the new Board of Directors of the Malta Stock Exchange
Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna yesterday paid a courtesy visit to the Malta Stock Exchange (MSE) and its newly constituted Board of Directors. In a brief address to the directors, Board of Management and employees of the MSE, Professor Scicluna higlighted the important role played by the MSE in facilitating the access to finance to…
The Malta Institute of Accountants – 50th Anniversary
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna addressed the Malta Institute of Accountants in an event to mark the 50th anniversary of the Institute. [nggallery id=258] The Malta Institute of Accountants is the voice of the accountancy profession in Malta and helps to promote a proper understanding of the role and the…