Draft EU Treaty Change – L-MEP u Int – Prog 98

This week the European Parliament resumed its business.  As expected the crisis in the euro zone is on top of the agenda.  At the end of last year we were given to understand that the crisis would be resolved.  However, the problem is still with us.  At the same time the draft agreement about the Fiscal Pact which outlines new measures to ensure that we will not face another euro crisis has been circulated among MEPs.


Din il-gimgha rega’ beda jiltaqa’ l-Parlament Ewropew.  Kif wiehed jistenna fuq net tal-agenda hemm il-krizi fiz-zona ewro.  Fl-ahhar tas-sena li ghaddiet konna inghatajna x’nifhmu li din il-krizi kienet ser tigi rizolta.  Izda l-krizi ghadha maghna.  Fl-istess hin il-Membri Parlamentari Ewropej ghandhom f’idejhom l-abbozz tat-Trattat dwar il-Patt Fiskali li jahseb ghal mizuri godda biex il-krizi tal-ewro ma tirrepitix ruhha.


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