Dom Mintoff : Architect-Economist-Strategist – L-MEP u Int – Prog 127


‘For Dom Mintoff the economy was a very important tool’. Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna made this claim during this week’s programme MEP u INT which is totally dedicated to the former Labour Prime Minister Dom Mintoff who passed away at the age of 96 years on the 20th of August. Professor Scicluna speaks very highly about Dom Mintoff and says that he was an architect, and economist and a great strategist.



Duminku Mintoff – Perit b’viżjoni ekonomika

L-MEP u Int – Prog 127


‘Għal Mintoff l-ekonomija kienet għodda importanti’. Dan qalu l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna f’dan il-programm MEP u INT li huwa iffokat kollu kemm hu fuq l-eks Prim Ministru Laburista Duminku Mintoff li miet nhar 20 ta’ Awwissu fl-eta ta’ 96 sena. Il-Professur Scicluna jiddeskrivi lill-Duminku Mintoff bħala perit, ekonomista u strateġista ta’ kapaċita’ kbira.





– Smash TV : Friday, 24th August, 2012





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