Prof Edward Scicluna on Reporter – Favourite Channel – 06.03.2013

During the programme ‘Reporter’ on Favourite Channel on Wednesday 6 March, hosted and presented by Saviour Balzan,  Prof. Edward Scicluna spoke about the country’s economic situation and the proposals of Partit Laburista. Prof Scicluna spoke about PL’s positive campaign, and how PL will be able to offer a different leadership by focusing on the important issues that the country needs to be able to move forward with concrete plans for example those regarding the economy and the energy among others.




Fil-Programm ‘Reporter’ imxandar l-Erbgħa 6 ta’ Marzu fuq Favourite Channel, ippreżentat minn Saviour Balzan, il-Prof Edward Scicluna tkellem dwar il-qagħda ekonomika tal-pajjiż u l-proposti tal-Partit Laburista. Prof Scicluna tkellem dwar il-kampanja pożittiva tal-PL u kif il-PL kien ħa jkun kapaċi joffri tmexxija differenti billi jsiru l-affarijiet li hemm bżonn isiru sabiex dan il-pajjiż ikun jista’ jimxi ‘l quddiem bi pjani konkreti fuq l-ekonomija u l-enerġija fost l-oħrajn.





– Reporter, Favourite Channel : Tuesday, 3 March, 2013.

18 responses to “Prof Edward Scicluna on Reporter – Favourite Channel – 06.03.2013”

  1. So I learned how to add a Facebook comment box to my Blogger site (with the help of a code from Facebook social plugins site), but the problem is, the same comments appear for each of my posts. It’s like a feature targeted as a comment box for the entire site, but is shown at every single post, which is stupid! How do you get to have Facebook comment box in Blogger but different comments for each post?.

  2. I’m wondering how will I make my blog in blogspot available via google web search? I’ve seen some blogs that can easily be googled but mine won’t show in google at all..

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