L-MEP u Int – Prog 75 – Estenzjoni tal-Maternity Leave bis-Sens
Il-Kummissjoni Ewropea kienet pproponiet li l-leave tal-maternita jizdied minn 14 ghal 20 gimgha. F’nofs Gunju li ghadda numru ta’ pajjizi membri tal-Unjoni Ewropea, inkluz Malta, ma qablux ma’ din il-proposta. Ghamlu dan ghal diversi ragunijiet. Il-Konfederazzjoni tal-Ghaqdiet tan-Nisa Maltin ikkritikat il-pozizzjoni tal- Gvern dwar dan u appellatlu jirrevediha. Is-sena li ghaddiet Prof. Edward Scicluna kien ghamel…
L-MEP u Int – Prog 74 – L-Afrika ta’ Fuq u l-Ewropa tal-Lvant: hemm xi xebh?
Tmiem is-snin tmenin gab mieghu l-waqgha tal-Hajt ta’ Berlin u ftit wara l-waqgha tal- Komunizmu. L-ewwel xhur ta’ din is-sena kienu kkaraterizzati minn avvenimenti simili fil-kontinent Nord Afrikan. Hemm xi xebh bejn dawn iz-zewg avvenimenti storici? L- Unjoni Ewropea kif tidhol f’dawn iz-zewg avvenimenti? Tkellem dwar dan is-suggett l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna fil-programm televiziv L-MEP U INT fuq…
The Economic Governance package in the EP
On Thursday, June 23, 2011, the European Parliament passed the proposed Economic Governance Package. Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna described this as a ‘missed opportunity’ by the European Union. This was the topic discussed by Prof Scicluna during Smash TV programme L-MEP U INT on Friday, June 24, 2011. Il-Pakkett ta’ Governanza Ekonomika fil-PE Nhar…
Scicluna describes economic governance package as a ‘missed opportunity’
Labour MEP Edward Scicluna on Thursday (June 23, 2011) reacted with disappointment to the content of the EU’s proposed economic governance package, passed by European Parliament today describing it as “a huge missed opportunity” for the EU. Prof Scicluna was one of the Socialist and Democrat group’s four MEP negotiating team on the six reports,…
L-MEP u Int – Prog 72 – Mario Draghi
Mario Draghi, Governor of Italy’s Central Bank, will soon quit the job. Come November 1, 2011, and he will be the next President of the European Central Bank, taking over from Jean-Claude Trichet. On Wednesday, June 15, Draghi had a two-hour session grilling by the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee (ECON) of the…
Scicluna represents EC on Presidential visit to Switzerland
Labour MEP Edward Scicluna accompanied the Parliament President, Jerzy Buzek, on an Official Visit to Switzerland that took place on June 9th and 10th. It was the first official visit of the European Parliament to Switzerland. On behalf of the EP’s Economic Committee Professor Scicluna held bi-lateral meetings with representatives of the Swiss Parliament’s Economic…
L-MEP u Int – Prog 70 – The Divorce Referendum
ON Saturday, May 28, 2011, the majority of the Maltese people said YES in the Divorce Referendum. The result was a clear one, 53% in favour, however it still gave room for various interpretations, especially in the light of the Parliamentary process and the MPs vote for the green light. This was the topic dealt…
Stedina ghal Diskussjoni Pubblika – Birgu
L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Prof Edward Scicluna se jkompli bis-sensiela tieghu ta’ Diskussjonijiet Pubblici, bit-tema EJJA U STAQSI, nhar il-Gimgha, 17 ta’ Gunju, 2011, f’Caraffa Vaults, Birgu Waterfront, il-Birgu. L-attivita’ tibda fit-8.00 p.m. Apparti minn hidmietu fil-Parlament Ewropew u ‘il barra minnu, Prof Scicluna jitkellem ukoll dwar l-ahhar zviluppi fil-kaz tal-Pakkett ta’ Governanza Ekonomika u kif dan…
L-MEP u Int – Prog 69 – Christine Lagarde
Ftit aktar minn gimgha ilu Dominique Strauss Khan, Direttur Manigerjali, il-Kap, tal-Fond Monetarju Internazzjonali (IMF) irrizenja minn din il-kariga daqstant importanti. Ic-cirkostanzi li wasslu ghar-rizenja tieghu jafhom kulhadd. Tista’ tghid li minnufih l-attenzjoni ffukat fuq min jista’ jiehu din il-kariga importanti. Franza trid li din il-kariga tibqa’ okkupata minn cittadin Franciz. Fil-jiem li ghaddew Christine Lagarde, Ministru…
The EU Economic Governance Package
The EU Economic Governance and its possible implications for Malta’s economy, trade unions and workers’ rights were the main topic dealt with by Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna on Friday, May 27, 2011, during a Business Breakfast organized in collaboration with the S&D Group in the European Parliament. The event, earmarked for all trade unions…