Author: maltese

  • Flexicurity: Europe’s employment solution?

    Flexicurity: Europe’s employment solution?

    European labour markets are generally considered to be too rigid. Making labour market rules more flexible while at the same time providing a good level of social protection is one of the main challenges of the EU’s strategy for economic, social and environmental reform (the ‘Lisbon Agenda’). Source: In a reportfor the European Commission, economist André…

  • Labour market reforms

    Labour market reforms

    The 1997 Luxembourg Jobs Summit launched the idea of a European Employment Strategy. The strategy has three objectives: achieving full employment, increasing productivity and quality at work and promoting cohesion. Source: In response to the twin challenges of globalisation and demographic changes (ageing population), the European Council (in Lisbon and later in Thessaloniki) has…

  • Accused of failure, energy regulator stays mum

    Accused of failure, energy regulator stays mum

    The energy regulator has remained silent on the serious accusation made by economist Edward Scicluna that it failed to protect consumers in the ongoing saga regarding the new energy bills. Published by Kurt Sansone Prof. Scicluna accused the Malta Resources Authority of being “conspicuous by its absence” and having “no clue” what its legal obligations…

  • Il-ħidma tal-PL kienet kruċjali biex jiġi salvat Wied il-Buni

    Il-ħidma tal-PL kienet kruċjali biex jiġi salvat Wied il-Buni

    Waqt il-laqgħa ġie aċċettat dak li qal il-Professur Edward Scicluna, li ġibed l-attenzjoni tal-bord tal-MEPA ghal fatt li ma kienx sar studju xjentifiku sħiħ dwar l-impatt soċjali tal-proġett. Is-sehem tal-kandidati Labu ris ti għall-Parlament Ewropew Edward Scicluna u Steve Borg kien kruċjali fil-ħidma biex tit waq qaf l-estensjoni tal-Freeport f’Birżebbuġa u jsalvaw Wied il-Buni. Sindki…

  • Eco-reduction threshold out of reach

    Eco-reduction threshold out of reach

    Economist Edward Scicluna believes that the threshold of consumption below which eco-reduction tariffs will apply are too low for 1-2 person families to reach – and since over half of these are pensioners, they have hardly any chance of benefiting. Prof. Scicluna was asked by the General Workers’ Union and the Malta Union of Teachers…

  • Personal Info

    Personal Info

    Edward graduated from the University of Oxford with a Diploma with distinction in politics and economics; from the University of Malta with a First Class Honours BA degree in Economics, and the University of Toronto with a Masters and Doctorate in Economics. He was appointed Professor and Head of the Department of Economics at the…

  • Appointments

    1999 – 2003 Malta Council for Economic and Social Development Chairman 1997 – 1999 Malta Financial Services Authority Chairman and President (i.e. Executive Chairman) 1996 – 2003 Central Bank of Malta Board Director and Member of the Monetary Policy Committee 1997 – 2000 Council of Europe Development Bank, Paris . Member of the Bank’s Auditing Committee…

  • Qualifications

    1976 – 1982 University of Toronto, Canada Department of Political Economy/ Institute for Public Policy Thesis Title: “Output and Productivity Measurements in the Public Sector”.  Comprehensive examinations inPublic Finance and Development completed in 1977. Principal research assistant to a major two-year study on Public Employment and Compensation in Canada. PhD in Economics 1975 – 1976 University of…

  • Awards

    1975 -1980 Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship 1973-1974 Simonds-Farsons-Cisk RUM Scholarship 1970 – 1972 Plater College, Oxford Scholarship, Government of Malta 1967 Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme, Gold Medal, awarded at Buckingham Palace, London

  • Publications

    Recent Works Interim Evaluation of EU Pre-Accession Programmes in Malta (Three evaluations between 2005 and 2006), in conjunction with E&Y, carried out for the EU and the Government of Malta, 2006. An Economic Appraisal of Malta’s Cruising Industry, VISET Malta plc, July 2007. A Cost Benefit Analysis of the Mgarr and Cirkewwa Ports Terminals; for…