L-MEP u Int – Prog 61 – The European Stability Mechanism
The Greek and Irish dire financial and economic crisis called for an immediate salvage operation by the other Euro Zone member countries. However, such circumstances meant that the Euro Zone should not be caught unaware, hence the need for a permanent mechanism to be available as soon as the need arises. The days between the…
EJJA U STAQSI fil-Lukanda Osborne
Nhar il-Gimgha, 1 ta’ April, 2011, Prof Edward Scicluna kompla bis-sensiela ta’ laqghat ta’ kull xahar mal-kostitwenza bazati fuq Distretti Elettorali. Dawn il-laqghat ikunu f’forma ta’ Diskussjonijiet Pubblici bit-tema EJJA U STAQSI. L-attivita tal-Gimgha saret fil-Lukanda Osborne, il-Belt. Matulha Prof Scicluna tratta l-kwistjoni ta’ solidarjeta mehtiega mill-Unjoni Ewropea ma’ Malta fil-kaz tal-immigrazzjoni illegali fid-dawl tal-krizi…
Small Countries Guaranteed Use of Stability Mechanism
Labour MEP Edward Scicluna yesterday (Wednesday, March 23) welcomed the adoption of Parliament’s report approving a Treaty change to establish the new EU Stability Mechanism which gives specific guarantees that all EU countries, regardless of their size, would be covered by the fund in times of economic crisis. Following lengthy negotiations with the European Council…
L-MEP u Int – Prog 60 – Is-sitt proposti tal-KE
F’Dicembru li ghadda l-Kummissjoni Ewropea ghamlet sitt proposti legislattivi dwar kif behsiebha issahhah il-Patt ta’ Tkabbir u Stabbilita u kif ghandu jkun hemm aktar kordinament bejn il-pajjizi membri. Proposti li, fost affarijiet ohra, jahsbu ghal sorveljar aktar rigoruz tad-djun u deficits nazzjonali u mizuri kontra pajjizi membri li ma jilhqux il-livelli miftehma minn qabel. Proposti li issa jinsabu quddiem…
Scicluna discusses Libya crisis with House of Lords foreign affairs experts
Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna today addressed the House of Lords select committee on Foreign Affairs as part of their inquiry into the situation of North Africa and governance issues in North and sub-Saharan Africa. Prof Scicluna, who was also invited to discuss the role of the European Parliament in African countries, talked about the…
President Buzek meets with rapporteurs on the economic governance package in Strasbourg
Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna and other EP rapporteurs dealing with economic governance reports met in Strasbourg on Tuesday, March 8. During that week the EP plenary convened in Strasbourg. EP President, Jerzy Buzek, visited the rapporteurs’ group during the same day. Nhar it-Tlieta, 8 ta’ Marzu, 2011, fi Strasbourg, apparti li ppartecipa fil-laqghat tas-Sessjoni…
Konferma li l-Grupp Popolari fil-PE rrifjuta azzjoni qawwija ghal burden sharing
Dokumentazzjoni li qed nghaddu lill-media llum mid-delegazzjoni Ewroparlamentari Laburista ssahhah dak li d-delegazzjoni sostniet fl-istqarrija taghha ta’ nhar il-Hamis li ghadda li biha kkundannat in-nuqqas ta’ qbil li wrew il-Partiti Popolari Ewropej (EPP) fil-kwistjoni tal-‘burden sharing’ u nuqqas ta’ solidarjetà ma’ Malta biex jinqasam il-piz li mistenni jinholoq bl-immigrazzjoni fil-Mediterran kawzata mill-krizi Libjana. Iz-zewg Ewroparlamentari…
L-MEP u Int – Prog 59 – Women’s Day
Nhar it-Tlieta, 8 ta’ Marzu, kien celebrat Jum il-Mara. Din is-sena habat il-mitt anniversarju minn meta gie celebrat l-ewwel darba. Tfakkar tista’ tghid madwar id-dinja kollha, u minn diversi istituzzjonijiet, fosthom il-Parlament Ewropew li kien qed jiltaqa’ fi Strasbourg. X’kien l-andament fil-Parlament Ewropew? Dan kien is-suggett trattat mal- Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna fil-programm televiziv…
Libya: Is intervention justifiable?
Imagine you are having a family argument and hear the doorbell ringing. The police have heard loud voices and would like to know what happened, to intervene and also take sides. We would see this as inappropriate. The same argument applies in international relations. No foreign country has the authority or right to interfere in…
Edward addresses EP Plenary Session in Strasbourg
Addressing the Plenary Session of the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg (Wednesday 09/03/2011) Labour MEP Prof. Edward Scicluna pointed out the difference between what was proposed by the European Council (EC) and what is being proposed by the European Parliament (EP) regarding the need of a Permanent Financial Mechanism for the Eurozone countries. “The EC’s…