Public Discussion Fgura
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Labour MEP Edward Scicluna deplores EPP shirking of responsibility
Labour MEP Professor Edward Scicluna in a written intervention during the European Parliament Plenary Session convened in Strasbourg (Wednesday March 9, 2011) deplored the EPP group for their failure to agree a principle of burden sharing and solidarity that would allow small Member States like Malta to cope with mass migration in the aftermath of…
L-MEP u INT – Prog 58 – Il-Libja u ‘l hinn minnha
Dak li ghaddejja minnu l-Libja diga’ kellu konsegwenzi kbar. Intilfu ghadd kbir ta’ hajjiet, li la nafu kemm u lanqas hemm tama li jsir maghruf ezatt kemm. Indarbu ferm aktar. Tkissir ma’ kullimkien. Tista’ tghid li l-Libja tinsab fi stat ta’ gwerra civili. Dak li ghaddej fil-Libja diga’ kellu l-effetti ‘l hinn minnha. Effetti li…
NEEDS: A Project Funded by the European Commission
The Network for Enhanced Electoral and Democratic Support (NEEDS) is running a project in Brussels for Press Officers on elections’ press coverages. Labour MEP Edward Scicluna was guest speaker for one of the project’s lectures. Prof. Scicluna’s led a 120-strong EU Observation Mission for the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections held in Uganda last February 18.…
L-MEP u INT – Prog 57 – L-Ghatx Ghad-Demokrazija
L-avvenimenti imdemmin u l-imwiet kawzati l-ewwel fit-Tunezija, imbaghad fl-Egittu u hraxu fil-Libja, jidher li kellhom gherq komuni – l-ghatx ghad-demokrazija. Anke jekk l-iskala ta’ kif sehh dan kollu tvarja sew minn wahda ghal ohra. Sadattant jekk thares minn barra lejn dawn il-pajjizi u toqghod fuq dak li jkun qed jinghad minnhom, dejjem se tisma’ li…
Public Discussion Naxxar
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L-MEP u INT – Prog 56 – Il-Kumitat Ekonomiku tal-Parlament Ewropew
Nhar it-Tlieta 15 ta’ Frar, 2011, il-Kumitat Ekonomiku tal-Parlament Ewropew approva b’maggoranza kbira Rapport ta’ Opinjoni li fuqu hadem bis-shih bhala co-Rapporteur l-Ewroparlamentari Laburista l-Professur Edward Scicluna. Rapport li qed jipproponi tibdil f’proposta li ghamel il-Kunsill Ewropej fir-rigward ta’ twaqqif ta’ Mekkanizmu ghal Stabbilita Permanenti taz-Zona Ewro. It-tibdil propost fir-Rapport ta’ opinjoni mill-Professur Edward Scicluna…
L-MEP u INT – Prog 55 – Edward Scicluna L-Elezzjonijiet fl-Uganda
Fit-18 ta’ Frar, 2011, fl-Uganda se jsiru l-Elezzjonijiet Presidenzjali, Parlamentari u Lokali. Elezzjonijiet importanti mhux biss ghall-pajjiz innifsu imma ghar-regjun kollu. L-Unjoni Ewropea baghtet kontingent ta’ 120 osservatur biex isegwu l-andament ta’ dawn l-elezzjonijiet fl-istadji kollha taghhom – qabel, waqt u wara. L-Ewroparlamentari Laburista Malti l-Professur Edward Scicluna nghata l-inkarigu jmexxi din il-Missjoni f’isem l-Unjoni…
Scicluna turns on Gonzi after Treaty report adopted with EPP support
Labour MEP Prof Edward Scicluna today retaliated to the Prime Minister’s attack on his report on the proposed EU financial stability mechanism, which was adopted by an overwhelming majority by the Parliament’s Economic committee. The report, co-written by Prof Scicluna and EPP MEP Jean-Paul Gauzès, was approved by 33 votes to 6 with the main…
Scicluna leads scrutiny on Uganda elections
Widespread international coverage was given to the Press Conference addressed by Prof Edward Scicluna MEP, Chief Observer, of the European Union Observation Mission (EU EOM) in Kampala last Wednesday. He had just concluded a first round of discussions with the Ugandan Electoral Commission, representatives of the Ugandan political parties and civil society leaders. The EU–EOM…