Category: Media

  • What is contributing to Malta’s economic growth? – Videoblog 72

    What is contributing to Malta’s economic growth? – Videoblog 72

      The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the recently published NSO figures on economic growth, which confirm Malta’s place as the leading economy on growth in the Eurogroup. The figures show that during the third quarter of 2014 real GDP increased by 3.8% from 3.4% registered in the previous quarter, while for the…

  • Eurogroup evaluates member states’ Draft Budgets – Videoblog 71

    Eurogroup evaluates member states’ Draft Budgets – Videoblog 71

      The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the process by which the European Commission evaluates the draft budgets submitted on 15 October 2015 by the 18 member countries which constitute the Eurozone. Minister Scicluna explains that on the basis of this evaluation, countries can be request to enact additional measures to strengthen their…

  • Evaluating some budget measures – Videoblog 70

    Evaluating some budget measures  – Videoblog 70

      A few days following the Budget 2015 speech in Parliament, the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses those measures which received the most interest from the public. He notes that in the days following the Budget speech, he had occasion to visit the Budget 2015 freephone centre, which is tasked with receiving the…

  • Budget 2015: Rewarding Diligence – Videoblog 69

    Budget 2015: Rewarding Diligence – Videoblog 69

      The Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the Budget 2015, which was presented in Parliament only days earlier, and which was met with widespread approval by the social partners. He explains that among the Budget’s main priorities is, first and foremost, to address the country’s debt, which the new Government inherited from previous…

  • Malta Budget 2015: Nippremjaw il-Bżulija

    Malta Budget 2015: Nippremjaw il-Bżulija

    Dokument tal-Baġit >>   Defiċit Miri tad-defiċit: 2.1% għal din is-sena u 1.6% għas-sena d-dieħla. SISA fuq l-inbid u l-għalf tal-fish farms Dħul ta’ 20 ċenteżmu SISA fuq kull litru ta’ nbid lokali u internazzjonali. Dan se jkun akkumpanjat minn promozzjoni tal-inbid Malti. SISA fuq l-għalf tal-fish farms Prezz tal-Gass Prezz stabbli għall-gass sa April li…

  • Baġit 2015 – Watch Live

    Baġit 2015 – Watch Live

    -Monday, 17th November, 2014

  • Encouraging Young People to Save – Videoblog 68

    Encouraging Young People to Save – Videoblog 68

    In his weekly video blog, the Minister for Finance discusses the recently launched private pensions schemes, through which the Government is encouraging people and families to save for a more comfortable future. Prof. Scicluna says that he was pleased to be able to launch the initiative, in view of how for many years the pension…

  • Sailing smoothly through choppy waters – Videoblog 67

    Sailing smoothly through choppy waters – Videoblog 67

    In his weekly video blog, the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna welcomes the recently-published appraisal by the European Commission, which describes Malta as sailing smoothly through choppy waters. He notes that the Commission’s report highlights two main aspects: Malta’s current performance, as well as it expected performance for the coming years. The Minister remarks…

  • Malta joins 50 other countries and jurisdictions in the fight against tax evasion – Videoblog 66

    Malta joins 50 other countries and jurisdictions in the fight against tax evasion – Videoblog 66

      In his weekly video blog, Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna explains that last week, he was invited to attend Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes, which took place on 28th and 29th October 2014 in Berlin. Prof. Scicluna explains that during the Forum, Malta joined 50 other states…

  • COLA issue explained – Videoblog 65

    COLA issue explained – Videoblog 65

      Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna discusses the Cost of Living Adjustment, and the Opposition’s claims that it was somehow positive that during the previous administration the COLA increase was comparatively higher. Minister Scicluna explains that the COLA mechanism was originally introduced by the Nationalist Administration in 1991 and was established specifically to be…