Il-Mekkaniżmu tal-Cola

Ftit jiem ilu l-kelliem għall-finanzi tal-Oppożizzjoni s-Sur Tonio Fenech ħareġ jitkaża bil-Gvern b’kemm se jagħti COLA baxxa għall-għoli tal-ħajja, filwaqt li jiftaħar li fil-gvern tagħhom kienu taw COLA akbar u b’saħħitha ta’ ’l fuq minn tliet ewro fil-ġimgħa.

Din kienet ħaġa wisq sorprendenti li ma kontx nistenna mingħand il-kelliem tal-Oppożizzjoni. li jgħid li l-COLA tiġi b’xi mod deċiża jew tingħata dritt mill-gvern. Dan għaliex kien il-gvern Nazzjonalista stess li daħħal il-mekkaniżmu tal-COLA fl-1991, bil-ftehim tal-imsieħba soċjali (il-unjins u l-għaqdiet ta’ min iħaddem), b’mod li l-gvern ma jindaħal b’ebda mod f’kif u kemm jingħata għall-għoli tal-ħajja. Skont dan il-mekkaniżmu, li għadu hemm bl-istess mod preċiż sal-lum, l-aġġustament tal-COLA jinħadem b’mod awtomatiku permezz ta’ formola matematika stabilita.


Il-Gvern għalhekk, filwaqt li jibqa’ jiġġieled lil inflazzjoni, hu kommess li jara li kull min qiegħed fis-saff t’isfel għandu wkoll igawdi mit-tkabbir ekonomiku tal-pajjiż

Jiġifieri l-kelliem tal-Oppożizzjoni mhux biss jaf sew kif jaħdem verament il-mekkaniżmu tal-COLA, iżda jaf ukoll sew li mhux il-Gvern li jiddetermina ż-żieda tal-COLA, imma l-inflazzjoni nnifisha. F’dan ir-rigward, l-inflazzjoni għat-tnax –il xahar ta’ qabel tiġi mkejla u allura l-aġġustament tal-COLA jinħadem awtomatikament meta tiġi applikata l-inflazzjoni mal-paga. Jiġifieri l-valur tal-COLA għas-sena li ġejja li se joħroġ, u li se jiġi ddeterminat mill-kunsill Malti għall-iżvilupp ekonomiku u soċjali fil-jiem li ġejjin, se jkun determinat mill-inflazzjoni.


Ta’ min jinnota li l-COLA l-aktar li taffettwa huma lill-pensjonanti, lil dawk li jieħdu xi benefiċċji, u dawk li qegħdin fuq il-paga minima. Fir-rigward tal-faxex l-oħrajn fis-soċjetà, fil-parti l-kbira tagħhom, ż-żidiet fil-pagi tagħhom jiġu deċiżi abbażi tas-suq jew inkella tal-collective agreements li għandhom, speċjalment l-impjegati tal-Gvern.

Ta’ min jinnota wkoll li matul is-sena li għaddiet, l-inflazzjoni kienet l-aktar baxxa on record, filwaqt li s-salarji f’pajjiżna żdiedu €150 miljun iżjed mis-sena ta’ qabel. Ras b’ras, meta aħna niġu għal min qed jaħdem, is-salarju tiegħu żdied b’medja ta’ madwar tminn ewro fil-ġimgħa. Allura fil-verità, minkejja l-attentati tal-Oppożizzjoni li jpinġu żieda baxxa fil-COLA bħala xi diżastru nazzjonali, ir-realtà hi li ftit huma dawk li jiddependu direttament minnha, u li l-pagi xorta waħda komplew jiżdiedu b’mod b’saħħtu tul l-aħħar sena.

Minkejja dan, hu minnu li l-COLA se tolqot lil min qiegħed fuq il-paga minima, il-pensjonanti u min qiegħed fuq benefiċċjarji oħra. Huwa għalhekk il-Gvern qiegħed iħares lejn il-baġit li qiegħed bħala opportunità biex jara li dawk li huma vulnerabbli jkunu jistgħu jiġu mgħejuna b’ċertu miżuri mmirati għalihom.

Il-politika ta’ dan il-Gvern hi ċara li irid li l-inflazzjoni tkun baxxa kemm jista’ jkun. Huwa vera li riżultat ta’ hekk t-tpattija għall-għoli tal-ħajja tiġi determinat fuq l-istess skala, imma żgur li l-Gvern mhux lest li, sabiex ikun hemm żieda għolja bħalma kien jiġri fil-Gvern ta’ qabel, jkollna inflazzjoni akbar u allura issir ħsara kbira lil pajjiż kollu u tiġi mminata l-kompettittività ta’ Malta.

Il-Gvern għalhekk, filwaqt li jibqa’ jiġġieled lil inflazzjoni, hu kommess li jara li kull min qiegħed fis-saff t’isfel għandu wkoll igawdi mit-tkabbir ekonomiku tal-pajjiż, u jwiegħed li jindirizza ċ-ċirkostanzi ta’ dawk li jiddependu biss mill-COLA għaż-żieda fid-dħul tagħhom.


31 ta’ Ottubru 2014


One response to “Il-Mekkaniżmu tal-Cola”

  1. #1 Best Post Cycle Therapy Guide: How To
    Do It Correctly

    The #1 Best Post Cycle Therapy Guide: How To Do It Correctly

    Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a critical phase for athletes and bodybuilders who have completed a steroid cycle.
    During this period, the body is given time to recover and restore natural hormone production. But what exactly is PCT, and how should it be done
    correctly? Let’s dive into the details and uncover the best practices for a successful PCT.

    What Is Post Cycle Therapy?

    Post Cycle Therapy refers to the period of time an individual takes after a steroid cycle or
    hormone therapy to ensure their body rebounds to its
    natural state. This is essential because steroids
    suppress natural hormone production, and without proper PCT, users risk permanent
    damage to their endocrine system. PCT helps in恢复生理内分泌系统, ensuring that natural hormone levels are restored safely.

    The Best Post Cycle Therapy

    When it comes to PCT, the two most commonly used drugs
    are Clomid and Nolvadex. Both have unique mechanisms of action and benefits.
    Clomid is an ovulatory drug that stimulates the release of eggs in women, while
    Nolvadex is an aromatase inhibitor that converts androgens into estrogens.
    Depending on the steroid cycle used and the user’s goals,
    one may be more effective than the other.

    Post Cycle Therapy Supplements

    While Clomid and Nolvadex are the cornerstones of PCT, certain supplements can enhance the
    process. These include Testosterone Support Supplements, Liver Support Supplements, and Estrogen Blockers like Anastrozole
    or Tamoxifen. These aid in improving recovery rates and reducing side effects
    associated with PCT.

    Nolvadex PCT

    Nolvadex is often preferred by athletes who have used anavar, primobolan, or other mild steroids.
    Its anti-estrogen properties help in reducing fat retention and preserving
    muscle mass during the recovery phase. The typical dosage for
    Nolvadex PCT is 20-50mg per day, divided into two or three doses,
    for a period of 4-6 weeks.

    Clomid PCT

    Clomid is recommended for users who have completed stronger steroid cycles, such
    as those with testosterone enanthate, boldenone, or deca-durabolin. Clomid works by stimulating the hypothalamus
    and pituitary glands, leading to increased production of natural hormones
    like testosterone. The typical dosage is 100-150mg per day, taken in divided doses, for about 3-4

    Which Post Cycle Therapy Do I Need?

    The choice between Clomid and Nolvadex depends on the type of steroid used and the user’s recovery needs.
    For milder steroids like Anavar or Primobolan, Nolvadex is usually sufficient.
    For stronger steroids like Testosterone Enanthate or Boldenone, Clomid is often more effective.
    It’s also important to consider individual tolerance and the length of the steroid cycle.

    What Happens When I Don’t Use PCT?

    Skipping PCT can lead to severe health consequences, including irreversible damage to the endocrine system and testicular atrophy.
    Without proper recovery, users may lose their natural
    hormone production capacity, making future cycles impossible or highly risky.
    This is why PCT is not a choice but a necessity
    for anyone who has undergone steroid therapy.


    Post Cycle Therapy is a critical part of any steroid cycle regimen. It ensures that the body
    safely returns to its natural hormone production state, minimizing
    the risk of long-term health complications. By choosing
    the right PCT approach—whether Clomid or Nolvadex—and supporting it with the appropriate supplements, users can maximize their recovery and maintain their
    gains effectively.

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    About The Author

    The author is a seasoned bodybuilder and fitness expert with extensive experience in steroid cycle

    They have conducted numerous studies and research on post-cycle therapy protocols to ensure
    accurate and evidence-based information.

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