Government determined to ensure a level playing field

The Ministry for Finance is categorically refuting that there is a contradiction, seemingly or otherwise, between what was stated by the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna and what was stated by the Prime Minister Joseph Muscat in connection with trade coming into Malta from Sicily.

When emphasising the European Union’s stance regarding trade from Sicily, the Minister for Finance Prof. Edward Scicluna was underlining the need for well-thought out solutions which do not expose the Government to an EU infringement.


Two spheres

It must be recalled that in 2008, when the Customs Department increased its controls on trade coming from Sicily by means of the Catamaran, the European Commission showed its concern through a number of questions that were sent to the Maltese Government, as well as warnings of potential infringement proceedings being issued against the Government of Malta if the situation persisted.

The Government’s position on the issue is that it will remain fully committed to ensuring a level playing field when it comes to importation of goods from the EU.

The Government’s position is that imports from the EU should not be treated differently according to whichever port they enter. In this regard, and in full respect of EU rules, government is currently compiling a package of measures in order to ensure a level playing-field for all.


– Monday, 6th October, 2014


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