Pre-Budget document launched – Prosperity with Social Justice

Today, Minister for Finance Edward Scicluna launched the pre-Budget consultation process which will carry the theme ‘Prosperity with Social Justice’, after having presented the Pre-Budget Document 2017 to the social partners within the Malta Council for Economic and Social Development.




Prebudget Doc image

Click to download Pre-Budget Document 2017

Speaking to the media, Minister Scicluna explained that the theme chosen for the document, ‘Prosperity with Social Justice’ indicates the Government’s resolve to sustain the current strong economic growth while ensuring that prosperity is felt by all income groups within Maltese society. To this end, the Government will be addressing issues related to families with low incomes.




The Minister for Finance also highlighted the fact that the Government achieved its plan to enhance Malta’s output potential while consolidating public finances. Studies are showing that the budget measures have contributed to the enhancement of growth in the labour market. In fact, thanks to the tapering of benefits, the in-work benefit scheme and free childcare facility, the country is experiencing historically low levels of unemployment, with 2,032 people returning to gainful employment.



Other initiatives, such as those in the energy sector, were directed towards increasing investment, productivity and competitiveness.



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Wednesday 10th August 2016


23 responses to “Pre-Budget document launched – Prosperity with Social Justice”

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